Insect Pur on a wooden floor with a dog paw in the backgroundInsect Pur on a wooden floor with a dog paw in the background

Insect food brings many benefits – not only for the dog, but also for nature and climate protection. With our Dogs for Future line, we sustainably conserve resources and continue to deliver premium food of the highest quality. Doing good for the planet can certainly taste good! 

Dog has put his head and one paw on a can of DOG'S LOVE Insect chickenDog has put his head and one paw on a can of DOG'S LOVE Insect chicken


Forward thinking and responsible action are essential for the preservation of our earth. We humans bear the main responsibility for the (continued) existence of flora and fauna in their diversity. But man's best friend, the dog, can help a little. 

To ensure that this support brings great joy to our furry friends, we at DOG'S LOVE have made it particularly palatable. Our insect dog food contains the nutritious protein of the black soldier fly, with plenty of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids making their way into the dog bowl and providing all the essential amino acids. And the highlight: The production of the insect food reduces pressure on the environment and significantly cuts back on the consumption of resources. 


Often a comparison is helpful to get an impression of the big impact of a small change. The figures below refer to the resources and by-products required to obtain beef compared to insect protein. As an example, the daily ration for a 10 kg dog contains approx. 275 g of beef per 500 g of wet food per day. 

A dog that is gleefully out of a food bowl and next to which is a can of DOG'S LOVE Insect PurA dog that is gleefully out of a food bowl and next to which is a can of DOG'S LOVE Insect Pur


Banner with all 3 DOG'S LOVE Insect varieties, containing the following information: Insect Protein, Sustainable & Hypoallergenic and the information -75% less water.Banner with all 3 DOG'S LOVE Insect varieties, containing the following information: Insect Protein, Sustainable & Hypoallergenic and the information -75% less water.


Huge areas of land around the world are used to grow feed crops. Insects need a fraction of the grain used as concentrated feed in cattle rearing to grow. Between 1.1 kg and 2.6 kg of grain are required for 275 g of beef, and only between 270 g and 650 g for insects in this quantity. 

Livestock also need a lot of space when kept. Insects require significantly less usable space for rearing. This visualisation gives an idea of how enormous the difference is: 20 tonnes of insect protein can be produced on an area as small as a tennis court. 

Dog licking the lid of a can of Insect PurDog licking the lid of a can of Insect Pur


Carbon dioxide is the gas that is primarily involved in the so-called greenhouse effect. This is responsible for the warming of the average temperature on the Earth's surface, i.e. human-induced climate change. A reduction of this emission is highly desirable. 

Insect farms save CO₂. The production of 275 g of beef releases approx. 6.05 kg of CO₂. The same amount of insect protein causes about 60 g of the gas. This means that air pollution from cattle rearing is almost 100 times higher than from insect rearing. 


Our blue planet may appear to have enough cool water, but at the same time there is a growing threat of drinking water shortages. Water is vital for humans and animals. The fields for growing fodder need to be watered. The animals need water to drink and the stalls must be kept clean. None of this is possible without water. Compared to traditional livestock farming, raising insects has the advantage that water consumption is significantly reduced. To stay with our example of the daily ration for a 10 kg dog: For 275 g of beef, 4,235 L are used. If, on the other hand, the dog eats insect protein on this day, consumption is reduced to 270 ml. 

A dog put his head next to a can of Insect chickenA dog put his head next to a can of Insect chicken
Two cans of DOG'S LOVE dog food on a blanket lying on a meadow in the mountains.Two cans of DOG'S LOVE dog food on a blanket lying on a meadow in the mountains.


The above figures clearly show that even a single daily ration of insect food makes a contribution to climate protection. Of course, your pet can also switch completely to insect dog food. It is generally easy to digest and is also well tolerated by most allergy sufferers. In general, the protein of the black soldier fly has many nutritional benefits, which you can read about in this article . 

For all pups who don't want to give up their traditional protein sources right away, we're calling for #INSECTDOGDAY. Once a week, feed your dog food from the Dog's For Future line, which saves resources and protects nature. This is how our four-legged friends can do their part to protect the environment! 

This picture shows two paws of a dog between which is a can of Insecten food from DOG'S LOVE.This picture shows two paws of a dog between which is a can of Insecten food from DOG'S LOVE.