Katharina Miklauz sits among the vines feeding the dogs Enzo and Pluto with our DOG'S LOVE SnacksKatharina Miklauz sits among the vines feeding the dogs Enzo and Pluto with our DOG'S LOVE Snacks

DOG'S LOVE stands for high-quality dog food made from regional ingredients. But who is behind the brand? A portrait of founder Katharina Miklauz.

Katharina Miklauz as a child with the family dog at the timeKatharina Miklauz as a child with the family dog at the time

Katharina Miklauz loves animals. This is shown both by her CV and the passion with which she goes about her work every day. 

Even as a child, Katharina was constantly around animals. Her relationship with the family dog was particularly formative. The Münsterlander was born just six months before Katharina and accompanied her for a whole 17 years. A tomcat, a dwarf hamster and rabbits were also loyal companions during her youth and years of study. 

Speaking of her studies, the native Viennese completed them in Salzburg. Initially, there was nothing to suggest that she would use her degree in communication science to be a pioneer in shaking up the pet food market in Austria.

The foundation stone for this was laid by Katharina's first own dog, Nala. The Golden Retriever was the fulfilment of a long-cherished dream. Of course, Katharina only wanted the best for her. Aware of her responsibility for her pelt, Katharina began to conscientiously question which nutrients were beneficial for her and which were not. However, Katharina was not able to find a regionally produced organic dog food from Austria. 

Then came the day that marks the beginning of the company's history. It sounds almost too good to be true: During a walk, Katharina and Nala met the male Vizsla Pluto and his master. People and dogs got along very well and today, in addition to the two dogs, the family consists of two children and a couple of small horses. 

What does this have to do with DOG'S LOVE? Everything! Because in many conversations together, Katharina and Stefan realised that there was an absolute need for sustainable, high-quality dog food from Austria. So why not pave the way for it together, step by step?

Katharina Miklauz among the vines with the family dogs Nala and PlutoKatharina Miklauz among the vines with the family dogs Nala and Pluto

In 2014, the business was officially founded in Vienna. To this day, Katharina appreciates the fact that the family structure and the short decision-making channels allow for quick communication within the team. What she likes most is working on the development of new, even better products. She knows how important it is that our dogs' nutrition is tailored to their individual needs. Quality variety is indispensable for her. Since almost as many people as dogs go in and out of the office, a four-legged employee is always happy to be available for a spontaneous tasting. 

Animal welfare is a major concern for Katharina. Ethical handling and species-appropriate husbandry are a must for everything that says DOG'S LOVE on it. The brand bears the PETA Approved seal and regularly supports various animal welfare campaigns. Another project close to Katharina's heart is her collaboration with the Kindertraum foundation. As a food partner, DOG'S LOVE supplies the therapy and companion dogs for children with special needs with their complete food.

Raw materials in 100% food quality, open declaration and sustainable packaging are among the extraordinary features of DOG'S LOVE. 

Every day Katharina receives messages from people thanking her and telling her how well their dogs have been doing since they discovered DOG'S LOVE. This pleases the founder most of all and spurs her on every day to make the best food for our dogs!

Katharina Miklauz in the forest with her dog PlutoKatharina Miklauz in the forest with her dog Pluto