Your dog is not eating?

Hund liegt auf einem LeintuchHund liegt auf einem Leintuch


We love our dogs and constantly try to ensure their well-being. Which makes it all the worse for dog owners when our pets suddenly display unusual behaviour. And there are few things more worrying than when your beloved four-legged friend suddenly refuses to eat. But before panic breaks out, it is important to be aware of the possible reasons for this change in behaviour and what action can be taken. In this article, we will look at the possible causes and give practical tips on how to get your dog to enjoy eating again. 

First, some important information: A healthy dog can generally go a few days without food, but this is not a desirable state.

In principle, it is not an immediate cause for concern if a dog does not eat, but be attentive and observe your four-legged friend's behaviour closely. If your dog also refuses to drink, trembles and has pale mucous membranes, visit your vet immediately. There are many possible reasons why a dog suddenly (and briefly) may not want to eat. 

Hund der am Boden neben einem Napf liegtHund der am Boden neben einem Napf liegt

Common causes of poor appetite in dogs: 

  • Mental state
    • Stress or anxiety due to changes in the environment
  • Feeding
    • Feeding habits, such as sudden changes of food or irregular feeding times
  • Health
    • Health problems such as dental problems, gastrointestinal diseases or more serious illnesses such as liver or kidney problems

These factors are often interrelated and should not be considered in isolation from one another. Nevertheless, it makes sense to question which aspect could be the reason why your four-legged friend is currently not eating. 

Mental state

One of the most common causes of poor appetite in dogs is stress or anxiety. Changes in the environment, such as moving house or loud noises, can cause a dog to temporarily lose its appetite. In such cases, it is important to give your dog time and patience to adapt to the new situation.

It can help to offer your dog his absolute favourite food during this difficult time and also to support him with some ‘courage food’, for example SUPER CALM herbs, especially in stressful situations. 


Dogs that are normally fed food high in grains and sugar may tend to eat poorly or even refuse food when switching to grain- and sugar-free food. Alternatively, a sudden change of food or irregular feeding times can also cause a dog to lose its appetite. A constant, balanced and healthy diet is important to ensure that your dog has a healthy appetite. 


Illnesses and health problems can also cause a dog not to eat. From dental problems and gastrointestinal disorders to more serious illnesses such as liver or kidney problems: there are numerous health reasons that can affect a dog's appetite. If a dog does not eat for several days or shows other symptoms, a vet should definitely be consulted.

In the event of gastrointestinal upset and digestive problems, it can help to feed your four-legged friend a gentle diet. This is more readily accepted by some dogs and can help to regulate digestion. If a dog is not hungry due to acute diarrhoea, Moro's carrot soup can provide relief. 

Food supplements for gut flora can also help to restore appetite. 

Further measures to support a dog that is not eating:

  • Creating a calm and stress-free environment during feeding time
  • Patient and empathetic behaviour towards your dog to identify the cause and take appropriate action
  • Ensuring regular exercise opportunities and sufficient water supply
  • Consult a vet if problems persist

Overall, it is important to be patient and sensitive with a dog that is not eating. In many cases, identifying the cause and taking appropriate measures can help to restore your dog's normal eating behaviour. 

A permanent loss of appetite in dogs can have serious health consequences. So it's essential to consult a vet if problems persist.